Security Fees
Administrative Penalty Fee, $100, $250, $500 & $1,000
This fee is charged to any individual(s) responsible for a security violation.
- 1st Offense, $100 with retraining
- 2nd Offense, $250 with retraining
- 3rd Offense, $500 with retraining
- 4th and subsequent Offenses, $1,000
- Thirty (30) day ID Badge suspension with retraining or permanent badge revocation for serious violations
Administrative Penalty Appeal, $25
This non-refundable fee is charged to any individual who chooses to appeal the monetary portion of an Administrative Penalty.
AOA Vehicle Access Permit, $25
This fee is charged for each AOA Vehicle Access Permit issued to a company. Contractors must pay at the time of permit issuance.
Badge Application Processing, $50
This fee is charged to the company for each new or reissued badge application.
Badge Renewal Fee, $25
Badge renewal is required yearly, prior to expiration, along with security refresher training. Contractors must pay at the time of badge renewal.
Late Renewal Fee, $25
Failure to renew your ID Badge prior to its expiration results in the assessment of the late fee (in addition to the normal Badge Renewal Fee) and the requirement to undergo Security Training (approximately 1 hour). Payment of the fee and completion of the training must be fulfilled prior to reissuance of the Badge.
Badge Reprinting Fee, $25
This fee is charged when an individual fails to renew the Customs hologram prior to badge renewal. This fee will also be charged for new picture requests and damaged badges deemed intentional by management.
Badge Replacement, $100, $200 & $300
Badge replacement fees are progressive, based on the number of badges lost. $20 of the cost covers the processing and the remainder is refundable upon return of the lost or stolen badge.
- 1st Replacement - $100 ($80 refundable)
- 2nd Replacement - $200 ($180 refundable)
- 3rd Replacement - $300, issuance is at the discretion of the Airport ($280 refundable)
CHRI/STA Result Request, $5
This fee is charged when an individual makes a request of their Criminal History Records Information (CHRI) or Security Threat Assessment (STA) results.
Contractor Badges Deposit and Replacement, $350 & $320
All Contractor Badges require a $300 deposit (refundable) and $50 initial processing fee (non-refundable) for each Badge. Deposits are refundable upon return of the Badge within six (6) months of the completion of the construction project or when the Badge was deactivated. If replacing a lost Contractor ID Badge, a $300 deposit (refundable) is required plus a $20 processing fee (non-refundable).
Employee Parking, $50
Parking in the South Employee Lot (SEL) or North Employee Lot (NEL) is $50 per employee per month.
Failure to Return Badge, $100
This fee is charged to the company when an individual fails to return an ID Badge to the Airport within 90 days of deactivation.
Failure to Notify, $100
This fee is charged for failing to notify Airport Security when an individual no longer requires access. This occurs when a badge has been deactivated due to expiration and the individual failed to renew the badge within 30 days.