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Airport Movement Area Training Site


This web page is only for individuals or companies that communicate with the DTW or YIP FAA Air Traffic Control Tower and are authorized by WCAA to access the Airport Movement Area.

 If you are not authorized for movement area access, please select another link to your left.
Thank you!

This site will allow you to review various presentations and documents related to AMA training.  Before we get started a couple of notes:

  • When scheduling your badge renewal and/or recurrent training please use this link –

  • Reviewing the training materials here does not authorize you to access the AMA and does not constitute your recurrent training.
  • Getting the AMA icon added to your badge:  Once your employer informs you to go and get the AMA icon, report to the badge pick up window in the Credential’s lobby as soon as possible to have the AMA icon added to your badge.  No appointment is needed to do this.  Once at the window inform the team member there that the icon needs to be added to your badge.  The team member will take your old badge and print a new one with the icon on it.  Please note that until the icon is on your badge, you are not authorized to access the AMA.  Accessing the AMA without the icon on an individual’s badge is a violation and those individuals doing so are subject to badge suspension and/or administrative fines.
  • Please note, if you have problems with the training computers the Credentials Office team can assist you with that.  However, the Credentials Office was not responsible for the development of any of the AMA training materials or documents, this includes the Recurrent Computer-Based Training for AMA.  Because of that they cannot answer any questions related to the material or content.

 The following items are for WCAA/USDA/FAA Employees:

The following items are for Airport Terminal Services (ATS), American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Endeavor Air, G2 Secure Staff, JettPro Line Maintenance, Piedmont Airlines, SkyWest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Spirit Airlines, STS Line Maintenance, and UNIFI Employees: