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Public Input

To allow Airport stakeholders and members of the general public the opportunity to provide input and comments on Airport-related issues, the Wayne County Airport Authority has established the following policy:

  • As established by the Wayne County Airport Authority By laws, the Airport Authority will post Meeting notices in compliance with provisions of the Open Meetings Act.
  • The Airport Authority will post a Draft Agenda for Authority Board meetings three(3) days prior to the scheduled meeting on Airport’s website.
  • Airport stakeholders and members of the public may submit written comments to the Airport Authority before the day of the meeting. Written comments will be distributed to Board Members for their consideration, prior to the scheduled meeting. Written comments should be addressed to:

    Kristy Exner

  • A public comment period will be held at the end of each Board meeting to receive input from individuals in attendance. Individuals wishing to be heard during this period will be required to fill out a Comment Card at the Board meeting.
  • Members of the public acknowledged during this comment period by the Chairperson of the Board meeting, shall be afforded a reasonable time to address the Board, and may be limited to three (3) minutes at the discretion of the Chairperson.