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若您想舉報犯罪或可疑活動,請撥打韋恩縣機場非應急調度警察部電話(734) 942-2222,輸入#2 或前往公共安全總部大廈#610,地址為 31399 East Service Drive, Detroit, MI 48242。在警察部門辦事時,您可將汽車停放在對面街道專用訪客停車位。

Police CALEA logo


我們的警察部隊經過特殊訓練,負責提供執法服務,服務區覆蓋所有機場管理局設施,包括底特律大都會機場以及 Willow Run 機場。除了協助 TSA 安檢外,我們的警察還負責整個機場的日常執法工作。

我們很榮幸獲得執法機構認證委員會 (CALEA) 認證,達到專業執法機構標準。


  • How Do I Obtain a Copy of an Accident Report?

  • Where Do I Find Lost and Found Information?

  • How Do I Obtain a Copy of Police Report?

    If you are named in the report or you have notarized authorization to receive the report the following will apply:

    Redacted copies of reports may be released to individuals provided the individual is named in the report or the requesting party has a notarized authorization from a named party.

    Picture identification must be provided by the requestor.

    A $5.00 fee will be charged.

    Records and reports will not be released when the release would hinder an ongoing investigation.

    Make request to:

    Wayne County Airport Police Department                                                                                    

    Records Bureau

    31399 West Service Drive

    Building 610

    Detroit, Michigan 48242


    If you are not named in the report or do not have authorization to receive the report, the following will apply:

    Individuals requesting a copy of the report that are not named in the report must submit a FOIA request.

    All FOIA requests will be forwarded to the Airport FOIA Coordinator for review.

    Redacted reports can be released with the approval of the Airport FOIA Coordinator.

    Make FOIA request to:

    FOIA Coordinator

    Wayne County Airport Authority

    L.C. Smith Building

    Detroit, Michigan 4824

  • How Do I File a Police Report?

    Police reports can be made in a variety of ways:

    If you are on the Airport premises call 734-942-5212 and request an Officer be dispatched to your location.

    If you are on the Airport you can also make a report at the Police Division Building. We are located at 31399 West Service Drive, Building 610, Detroit Michigan 48242.

    This is at the south end of the East Service Drive near the Smith Building.

    Our nonemergency telephone number is 734-942-5212

    If you are away from the Airport, a report can be filed by telephone by calling 734-942-5360. In some cases a notarized fax may also be required.

  • How Do I Register a Complaint, Compliment, or Suggestion?

    If you have COMPLIMENTS, COMPLAINTS or SUGGESTIONS, please tell us.
    The mission of the Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA) is to build and maintain, through teamwork, innovation and dedication, the safest, friendliest, cleanest, and most convenient airports in the world. Recognizing that we are an important member of the WCAA team, the Airport Police is dedicated to the success of the mission.

    The Police Division realizes that its effectiveness depends upon acceptance of its authority and approval of its actions by the Airport community. Therefore, the Division expects exemplary conduct from all of its employees and encourages positive public reaction to its service through careful attention to comments and complaints.

    The WCAA and Airport Police encourage you to comment on the service you received while visiting our Airport. Your comments are important to us. The Airport Police continuously strives to enhance the status of police professionalism through effective law enforcement services. We need your input to accomplish this goal. If you wish to register a compliment or file a complaint, inform any officer that you would like to speak to a police supervisor, or call; (734) 942-5360. You may also mail your complaint, comments and suggestions to the following address:

    Wayne County Airport Police Department                                                                                     

    Uniform Captain

    31399 West Service Drive

    Building 610

    Detroit, Michigan 48242

    Annual statistical summaries pertaining to complaints and internal affairs investigations are considered open source documents and may be obtained by contacting our CALEA Accreditation Manager at or by mail at:

    CALEA Manager

    Wayne County Airport Police

    31399 East Service Dr.

    Detroit, MI 48242

  • How Do I Contact the Police Chief?

    The Police Chief can be contacted at:

    Wayne County Airport Police Department                                                                                     

    Police Chief

    31399 West Service Drive

    Building 610

    Detroit, Michigan 48242


  • What is Identity Theft?

    When a thief uses your personal identifying information (name, date of birth, Social Security number, credit card numbers, etc) to commit fraud or theft. Crimes include ordering products, opening bank accounts, and obtaining credit cards, all in YOUR NAME! Identity theft can ruin your credit history and cost you thousands $$$.

  • What To Do If You Are A Victim?

    Call the major credit bureaus

    Experian (888)397-3742

    Equifax (800)525-6285

    TransUnion (800)680-7289 FREE

    Request the credit bureaus put a “fraud alert” on your accounts
    Ask for a free copy of your credit report. Read the report carefully, noting any suspicious activity

    • Contact your local police and make a report. Ask the officer what the police report number is.
    • Contact your bank and creditors. Give them the police report number and complete all documentation that they require.
    • Notify, in writing, everyone you do business with. This includes the U.S. Post Office, Social Security, and utility companies.
    • Review the Federal Trade Commission website; or call 1-877-IDTHEFT FREE
    • Create a personal log, listing dates, times, places and names of people you notified.
    • Create a file of all documents.

                    Protecting Yourself Against Identity Theft

    • Never give your personal information to unsolicited telephone callers
    • Never respond to lottery winner notifications
    • Get a copy of your credit report every year.
    • Review your financial and credit statements. Don’t rely on friends and relative to do it for you.
    • Shred documents that are being discarded. Bank statements, old checks, insurance bills, expired vehicle registrations and credit card bills, all contain personal information.
    • Remove mail from your mailbox as soon as possible. Be alert to missing bills or letters. Put a hold on your mail when on vacation.
    • Cancel unused credit cards in writing. Don’t assume the account is closed because you no longer use the credit card or have a zero balance.
    • Don’t write pin numbers or other codes on the back of your credit cards.
    • When purchasing on the internet, make sure you are on a secure site. Use buyer protection companies (PayPal, etc.).
    • Don’t carry your Social Security card in your purse or wallet. Don’t have your Social Security number or date of birth printed on your checks.
    • Store you personal identification cards and documents in a secure location.
    • Be aware that many identity thefts are committed by family members.
    • Do not respond to internet requests for help to recover money or job offers that require you to deposit checks.
    • Do not send money via Western Union to people you don’t know.
    • Do not send money, checks or information out of the country to people you don’t know.
    • Remember: IF IT IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT IS!!!

    If you have any questions or concerns, call the Airport Police immediately.

  • What Can I Do to Help Prevent Terrorism?

    This link is intended to provide you with some commonsense measures you can take to protect your community from people who would use terrorism against you.

    Terrorist Vulnerabilities

    • They must live among us without looking suspicious while planning and preparing for their attack.
    • They often need training or equipment that will arouse suspicion.
    • They need to surreptitiously conduct surveillance on possible targets and gather information.

    All these things leave terrorists vulnerable to detection….if we are alert and…..if we report it!

    Staying Alert
    How do we recognize the difference between normal and abnormal behavior?
    By staying alert in our daily routines and getting to know:

    • Who our neighbors are
    • What cars are normally in our neighborhood
    • What is appropriate in our work area so we can identify what isn’t

    Staying alert is NOT paranoia. Staying alert is simply being aware of one’s surroundings. Some indications of possible trouble may include:

    Pay attention to:

    • Issues that have been in the media.
    • Local/national/international news that may increase the risk for certain groups or facilities.
    • Government-released “threat notices” indicating a threat against a type of facility.
    • The U.S. threat advisory systems, which help you determine how alert you should be.

    Overcoming Stereotypes
    Many of us have been conditioned to think of a certain type of person when we hear the word “terrorist.” Unfortunately that means we look at a person’s appearance, language, and culture when evaluating suspicious actions.
    We need to get beyond those stereotypes.
    You can NOT identify a terrorist by:

    • How a person looks
    • Where a person is from

    You CAN identify a terrorist threat by observing suspicious activity that may lead to a criminal act!

    Recognizing Suspicious Activity Identifying suspicious activity is not a hard science. You have to rely on your judgment. Your suspicion of a threat could be confirmed with one incident. It could take a series of incidents. In the long run, it comes down to judgment and commonsense.

    Unusual Requests for Information
    Unusual requests for information can be a warning sign of terrorist activity.
    Although possibly legitimate, these are also techniques used by terrorists to gather information.

    Unusual Interest in High Risk or Symbolic Targets
    Maybe they are taking an unusual interest in the Airport buildings or aircraft.

    Unusual Activity
    Be aware of:

    • People acting furtively and suspiciously
    • People avoiding eye contact
    • People departing quickly when seen or approached
    • People in places they don’t belong
    • A strong odor coming from a building or vehicle
    • Over dressed for the weather

    Fraudulent Identification
    Many 9/11 terrorists were in the country illegally using fraudulent IDs. Altering or using false government identification in any way and for any purpose is against the law. This includes:

    • drivers license
    • social security card
    • passport
    • birth certificate
    • INS identification

    Numerous Visitors
    Terrorists, when not acting alone, need to meet with their conspirators. Pay attention to visitors:

    • arriving and leaving at unusual hours
    • trying not to be noticed
    • acting in a suspicious manner
    • parking an unusual distance from the meeting

    Avoiding Community Contact
    Not all people who maintain their privacy are terrorists! But people intent on doing illegal acts want to be left alone.

    31399 West Service Drive
    Building 610, Detroit Michigan 48242
    (734) 942-5360

  • Where can I find Michigan traffic safety information?,4670,7-127-1627_11461---,00.html#11

    Annual statistical summaries pertaining to complaints and internal affairs investigations are considered open source documents and may be obtained by contacting our CALEA Accreditation Manager at or by mail at


    CALEA Manager

    Wayne County Airport Police

    31399 East Service Dr.

    Detroit, MI 48242.

  • What are my rights if I am a victim of a crime?

    Crime Victim’s Rights

    As a victim, you have certain rights under the law:

    • You have the right to be told about emergency and medical services, if applicable. Emergency and medical service can be obtained by calling 911 or by calling Beaumont Wayne Hospital at (734) 467-4000.
    • You have the right to be informed of the crime victim’s compensation benefits that may be available to you and to apply for crime victim’s compensation benefits. You can reach the Crime Victim’s Compensation Board in Lansing at (517) 373-7373. Additional information about crime victim’s compensation and restitution will be mailed to you by the Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.
      • If you have suffered personal injury as a result of this crime you may be eligible for crime victim’s compensation; however, compensation may not include property loss.
      • For further information or to file a claim, contact the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) at (877) 886-5401 or (517) 373-7373
    • If you would like to be notified of an arrest in your case or the release of a person arrested, or both, you should call the Detroit Metro Airport Police Department at (734) 942-5212
    • If you are not notified of an arrest in your case, you may also call the Detroit Metro Airport Police Department at (734) 942-5212 for the current status of your case.
    • You have the right to be informed no later than 24 hours after arraignment of the status of the defendant’s pre-trial release. This information can be obtained by calling the Wayne County Jail at (313) 224-2222.
    • If the defendant threatens you or your family, contact the Detroit Metro Airport Police Department, immediately.
    • The Detroit Metro Airport Police Department shall promptly return to the victim property belonging to that victim which is taken in the course of the investigation.
      • The Detroit Metro Airport Police Department shall not return property which is contraband
      • The Detroit Metro Airport Police Department shall not return property if the ownership is disputed until the dispute is resolved.
      • The Detroit Metro Airport Police Department shall retain as evidence any weapon used in the commission of the crime and any other evidence if the prosecuting attorney certifies that there is a need to retain that evidence in lieu of a photograph of other means of memorializing its possession by the Department.
    • You may obtain a copy of the police incident report for your case by contacting the Airport Police Department, at (734) 942-5212. You have the legal right to go to court and file a petition requesting a personal protection order to protect you or other members of your household. If you are the victim of domestic abuse, an order could include restraining or enjoining the abuse from doing the following:
      • Entering the premises
      • Assaulting, attacking, beating, molesting or wounding you
      • Threatening to kill or physically injure you or another person
      • Removing minor children from you, except as otherwise authorized by an order pertaining to custody or parenting time issued by a court of competent jurisdiction
      • Engaging in stalking behavior
      • Purchasing or possessing a firearm
      • Interfering with your efforts to remove your children or personal property from premises that are solely owned or leased by the abuser
      • Interfering with your efforts to remove your children or personal property from premises that are solely owned or leased by the abuser.
      • Interfering with you at your place of employment or education or engaging in conduct that impairs your employment relationship or your employment or educational environment.
      • Engaging in any other specific act or conduct that imposes upon or interferes with your personal liberty, or that causes a reasonable apprehension of violence.
      • Having access to information in records concerning any minor child you have with the abuser that would inform the abuser about your address or telephone number, the child’s address or telephone number, or your employment address.
      • The right to go to court to file a motion for an order to show cause if the abuser is violating, or has violated, a personal protection order and has not been arrested.


    • If you are the victim of a crime and the defendant has been charged with a criminal offense, you should contact the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office Victim’s Services Unit at (313) 224-5800 for additional information regarding victim’s rights.
    • Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office numbers:
      •  General (313) 224-5777
      • Child and Family Abuse Bureau

    (313) 224-5857 –Detroit Residents

    (313) 791-9841 –Wayne County Residents

    • Child Abuse Advocates (313) 224-8877
    • Domestic Abuse Advocates (313) 224-8500
    • Free Confidential 24-hour service allowing victims to receive notice of offender custody status
      • MI-VINE (800)770-7657
    • For additional information and assistance, you may contact:
      • Domestic Violence / Sexual Assault
        • Sexual Assault Services (800) 656-HOPE
        • First Step (Downriver/Western Wayne Co) (888) 453-5900 or (734) 722-6800
        • Wayne County SAFE (313) 964-9701 or (313) 430-8000
        • YWCA Interim House (313) 861-5300
      • Legal Assistance
        • Free Legal Aid and Defender’s Association (877) 964-4700
        • Free Legal Aid Clinic (313) 833-0058
        • Legal Services of Southeastern Michigan (734) 241-8310
      • Mental Health
        • Suicide Prevention and Crisis Counseling (313) 224-7000
        • Substance and Mental Health Abuse Services (800) 662-HELP
        • Detroit -Wayne County Community Mental Health (313) 833-2500

  • What do I do if my vehicle was impounded at the Airport?

    Vehicles Impounded at Detroit Metropolitan Airport:

    • Contact Martin’s Towing at 734-341-0083 for vehicle release information
    • If there is a Police hold on an impounded vehicle, a release must be obtained from the Airport Police Station.The Police Station is located at 31399 East Service Dr, Detroit, MI 48242.To receive a release, the registered owner must present the following documents:
      • Valid Proof of Insurance
      • Valid License Plate with valid tabs
      • A licensed driver for the impounded vehicle
    • All towing and storage fees must be paid to Martin’s Towing before release of the vehicle.
      • Towing fee:$75.00
      • Storage fee:$20.00 /day (beginning when vehicle reaches impound lot)
    • Vehicles left in Impound for more than 30 days will be considered abandoned and may be sold at auction.

    Map and Directions to Martin’s Towing from the Airport Police Station:

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