Nursing Rooms
Nine nursing rooms are now open at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. The rooms are private spaces where mothers can sit in a comfortable chair and not be disturbed while caring for their child. Equipped with a sink, counter, electrical outlets and other amenities, the rooms are designed to be functional, yet feel a little like home.
To ensure privacy, each mother will need to use her cell phone to call for an access code to enter the room. She may be asked to provide information from her boarding pass as well. Once inside, the mother can lock the door. When the lock is engaged, "Occupied" will appear on the outside of the door.
Nursing Room Locations
McNamara Terminal
Near Gate A15
Near Gate A25
Near Gate A53
Near Gate A63
Near Gate C2
Evans Terminal
Across from Gate D8
Across from Gate D15
Across from Gate D24
A nursing room is also located in the Berry Administration Building. It is provided for Wayne County Airport Authority employees.