Vendor (Service Provider) Procedures
Airport ID Badges may only be issued to vendors who have an approved service agreement with an Airline, Tenant or Government Agency. Vendors will be required to provide the following documents to the Airport Security Credentials Office:
- A Delegation of Authority is required for every service project that the company is working on. Complete the front page and designate one or two Authorized Signers (must have a need to be badged). The Sponsor/Prime Contractor must complete the “Airline-Tenant-General Contractor Use Only” section.
- The Sponsor/Prime Contractor is required to provide either a Letter of Introduction or Sponsor Form explaining the type of service that they are working on, what type of access will be required, and the estimated time the company will require access to the Airport to provide the service.
- A Letter of Introduction must be submitted from the company providing the service and must contain the nature of the work or service provided, the company(ies) being worked for and the contact information for the contracted company (address, email, phone, etc.).
Vehicle Access
All vehicles driving on the Air Operations Area (AOA) must display a valid vehicle permit at all times. These permits are issued by Airport Security.
All deliveries to the public areas of the Terminals must be scheduled through the Airport’s Dock Master. Please review the procedures with your sponsor.