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Part 150 Study

The Noise Compatibility Program (NCP) for DTW includes measures to reduce aircraft noise, control land development, mitigate the impact of noise on non-compatible land uses, and carry out and update the program as needed. The objective of the NCP is to improve the compatibility between aircraft operations and noise sensitive land uses in the area, while allowing the airport to continue to serve its role in the community and state. 

A common way to do this is by completing a Part 150 Study. The goal of the Study is to work in conjunction with surrounding communities, aviation experts and airport neighbors to establish a balanced, cost-effective and comprehensive NCP. Airports are not required to complete a Part 150 Study. However, by doing so airports become eligible for federal funds that may be used to conduct the Study and implement some of the approved solutions that comprise the NCP. DTW has conducted two Part 150 Studies. 

FAR Part 150 Study (1992)

In 1992, the FAA approved the first Part 150 Study, resulting in the Airports first NCP. It allowed for implementing operational actions such as:

  • Preferential Runway Use
  • Fanning of Departures Flight Tracks
  • Established Ground Run-up Procedures
  • Construction of Noise Barriers
  • Establishment of a Noise Office
  • Allowed the Airport to obtain federal discretionary funds for noise related projects,such as property acquisition, residential sound insulation, and purchase assurance.

FAR Part 150 Study Update (2009)

Several changes had occurred at the Airport since the 1992 Study, including changes in the number of flights, aircraft fleet mix, aircraft technology, and airfield improvements. These new developments raised the possibility that areas affected by aircraft may have changed, thus necessitating the need to update the 1992 Study. 

In October 2003 the Airport initiated the Part 150 Study Update. An integral part of the Study was the establishment of a Study Advisory Committee (SAC). The Committee was comprised of various individuals who included 14 local communities, Wayne County, State of Michigan, the FAA, and other businesses and airport users. The SAC was an advisory board who provided input and feedback relative to update recommendations. 

In June 2009, the FAA approved the update to the DTW Part 150 Study. Some of the recommendations included:

  • Update Ground Run-up Procedures
  • Construct a Ground Run-up Enclosure (GRE) - CURRENTLY IN PROCESS.
  • Work with the FAA to Develop FMS Procedures to Concentrate Departure Traffic Whilein South Flow
  • Extend Hours of Contra-flow at Night
  • Implement Continuous Descent Approach (CDA), When Practicable
  • Develop Noise Abatement Procedures for Use During Runway Maintenance Operations
  • Require Buyer Notification Within the 60 DNL
  • Work With Communities to:
    • Update Comprehensive Plans to Discourage Noise Sensitive Uses Within the 65 DNL
    • Update Zoning Ordinances to Prohibit Noise Sensitive Uses Within the 65 DNL
    • Update Building Codes to Require Sound Attenuation of New Residences Within the65 DNL
  • If Federal Funds Become Available, Sound Insulate Homes Within the 60 DNL
  • Install Aircraft Flight Tracking/Noise Monitoring System
  • Create a Noise Advisory Committee
  • Create and Manage a Fly Quiet Program
  • Review and Update Part 150 Study As Needed

00 DTW 150 Introduction
00 DTW 150 NCP Checklist
00 DTW 150 Record of Approval
00 DTW 150 Table of Contents
01 DTW 150 A - Inventory
02 DTW 150 B - Forecasts of Aviation Activity
03 DTW 150 C - Background Information on Noise
04 DTW 150 D - Existing & Future Baseline Noise Contours
05 DTW 150 E - Land Use Analysis
06 DTW 150 F - Potential Noise Abatement Measures
07 DTW 150 G - Noise Abatement Options Analysis
08 DTW 150 H - Potential Land Use Alternatives